The rapid adoption of mobile phones in agricultural and production systems provides an avenue to unlock the potential of digital innovations to transform smallholder agriculture in low- and middle-income countries. Previous research highlights how the adoption of digital tools can enhance farmers' profits and marketing outcomes by improving market efficiency through better supply and demand matching.
NEW PUBLICATION | Digital literacy training to promote diffusion of digital agricultural tools to smallholder farmers
Digital innovations hold significant potential to address multiple forms of market failures. However, their adoption remains low and heterogenous across Africa. Smallholder farmers face significant barriers in accessing essential information, limiting their ability to seize market opportunities and enhance profitability. While numerous digital tools have been developed for farmers in the region, most are still in pilot phases.
NEW PUBLICATION: Digital tools and agricultural market transformation in Africa: Why are they not at scale yet, and what will it take to get there?
Despite enthusiasm for the potential of digital innovations to transform agricultural markets in Africa, progress made thus far has been limited to small-scale experiments that often fail to scale up. Realizing the full potential of digital innovations – tools, technologies, applications, and services – in Africa requires not just further development of these solutions at meaningful scales, but also more nuanced evidence from both successful and unsuccessful scaling efforts
NEW PUBLICATION: Digital Tools and Agricultural Market Transformation in Africa
Despite enthusiasm on the potential of digital innovations to transform agricultural markets in Africa, progress made thus far has been limited to small-scale experiments that often fail to scale up. Realizing the full potential..
ورشة عمل: قدرة الأدوات الرقمية على دعم المزارعين في مصر | مدونة
كجزء من سلسلة الفعاليات تحت مظلة المشروع الممول من الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية بعنوان "تقييم التأثير وبناء القدرات"، نظم المعهد الدولي لبحوث السياسات الغذائية ورشة العمل التقنية الافتراضية" قدرة الأدوات الرقمية على دعم المزارعين في مصر: الدروس المستفادة وسبل المضي قدما" في التاسع من نوفمبر عام ٢٠٢٠. هدفت ورشة العمل الى حشد الاطراف المختلفة العاملة في التكنولوجيا الرقمية والمعنية بدعم المزارعين في مصر. ورشة العمل جمعت خبراء دوليين ووطنيين من أجل مشاركة الخبرات. وقدم باحثي المعهد الدولي لبحوث السياسات الزراعية خطط العمل والأبحاث المتعلقة بالخدمات الزراعية الرقمية