The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) is pleased to present an updated social accounting matrix (SAM) for Egypt. This SAM combines information from national datasets from many institutions, including the Central Bank, the Ministries of Finance and Agriculture, and various statistical bureaus
NEW PUBLICATION: New Social Accounting Matrix for Jordan: A 2015 Nexus project Social Accounting Matrix
By Mariam Raouf, Josée Randriamamonjy, Dalia Elsabbagh, and Manfred Wiebelt
This new Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Jordan is a snapshot representation of the Jordanian economy in which productive activities, factors of production, and economic transactions between the main agents, including households, government, and the rest of the world, are illustrated in a circular flow. It has been constructed using IFPRI's Nexus format, which uses common data standards, [...]
Training: Joint IFPRI-ITCEQ SAM Construction for Tunisia
Mariam Raouf - IFPRI Egypt
In the context of the Agricultural (Arab) Investment Development Analyzer (AIDA) project, IFPRI is collaborating with the Institut Tunisien de la Competitivité et Etudes Quantitatives (ITCEQ) and Société MEDEVA to jointly construct a new regionalized social accounting matrix (SAM) for Tunisia by conducting a series of training sessions.
Building the First Regional Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Egypt 2014/2015
Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) is a comprehensive and coherent socio-economic database that combines many datasets ranging from sectoral survey data, economic census, trade data, national accounts, government budget, direct and indirect taxes as well as subsidies. As such, it is considered as a representation for the economy, that shows the circular flow of all transfers and real transactions between sectors and institutions. Having a more disaggregated SAM with regards to activities, households, subnational regions is very important for economic analysis
Building datasets as the basis for sound policy making in Egypt: the case of CAPMAS-IFPRI collaboration
September 15, 2016 By: Perrihan Al-Riffai, Sr. Research Analyst, Development Strategy and Governance Division, IFPRI. Share URL Many people in Egypt these days think about the best ways for getting the economy back on track, how to create jobs and how to cushion the inevitable side-effects of the exchange rate devaluation, value added taxes, subsidies and […]